

Join the best Pinterest program for travel bloggers who want to grow their blog traffic

You've spent time making dozens of fresh pins, scouring Facebook groups for Pinterest strategies, and doing repin threads....

But you feel like you're getting nowhere.  

It's time to learn how to use Pinterest for your blog quickly and efficiently. I will teach you my step by step system to increase your Pinterest traffic and revenue from your travel blog.

And you won't do it alone. I'll be here to guide you every step of the way. With 9 years of experience working with the Pinterest platform every day, I have helped dozens of travel bloggers explode their blog traffic.

But what about COVID? Isn't travel blogging dead right now? 

In the midst of a global pandemic, there is no denying that travel blogs are suffering. Which is why I have adapted my trainings to teach you what you can do NOW to bring clicks immediately and what to work on as an investment for the future.  

My Coaching Program is not another cookie cutter Pinterest course. It's the only program offering:

1. Six hours of private 1 on 1 coaching entirely customized to your blog via Zoom  

2. A detailed tried and true Pinterest strategy focused on clicks and not vanity metrics

3. A complete blueprint to create Pinterest friendly content all year long 

4. A brand new set of 8 custom pin designs 

5. Ongoing private support for 6 full months to answer all of your Pinterest questions

6. A VIP Facebook group so you are always up to date with algorithm changes

So are you ready to finally learn Pinterest? 

Because this could be your blog traffic...

From Anna at Anna Everywhere

Pinterest “didn’t work for me” for years, to the point I stopped even paying attention to it, which was a wrong approach. A fellow blogger recommended Julie to me and I must say that my Pinterest “got fixed” and I also managed to have success with new accounts for different niches by applying the strategy I’ve learned from Julie. Julie offered a continuing support even after the consultations and always updates everyone if Pinterest changes something - she’s on top of it!

"Julie has been GREAT to work with! Through her coaching program, she helped me devise a Pinterest strategy for my blog, along with creating custom pin templates so that everything looks cohesive. Ever since I started working with her a few months ago, my blog traffic has increased tremendously from Pinterest. I definitely recommend working with her to help grow your blog and develop an effective Pinterest strategy. "

Lauren Wilson
Ready Set PTO

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Pinterest Private Coaching Program - $550 Value

  • 5 Zoom sessions (60+ minutes)
  • 3 catch up calls (20+ minutes)
  • Ongoing email support for 6 months

Now let's talk extras...

  • Custom Set of 8 Pin templates designed by me personally- $125 Value
  • Access to the VIP Facebook Group with Monthly Live Trainings - $100 Value
  • Content Planning and Promotion Spreadsheets - $50 Value
  • Bonus Training: How to work efficiently with a VA and outsource the right way - $50

Total Value: $875

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just



4 Monthly Payments of



Ready to learn how to promote your travel blog on Pinterest?

First fill out this form! You will receive an email from me within 24 hours including an agreement and the next steps to get started. Nothing is due up front. You will receive your first invoice after your initial session.

Enroll Today

Fill out the form to get started! You will receive an email with next steps within 24 hours.

Session 1

Planning Click Worthy Content

This session is all about creating a content plan. I’ll show you exactly how to research travel keywords on Pinterest, understand your audience on the platform and create click worthy content.

Module Highlights:

In this module, you will understand what to write and how to position your content in order to drive more clicks from Pinterest.

  • Understand user intent on Pinterest in the travel space
  • Create editorial calendar to plan Pinterest friendly content
  • Research popular travel topics and keywords on the platform
  • Plan for evergreen and seasonal content using existing + new blog posts
Session 2

Designing Pins That Convert + Optimizing Boards

In this session, we will whip your Pinterest boards into shape and fully optimize your profile. We will also cover the anatomy of a great pin that will stand out in the feed. 

Module Highlights:

During our live Canva training, you will learn how to create pins that convert. 

  • Learn to choose images, fonts and layouts within Canva
  • How to batch create static, video and animated pins and save time
  • How to craft powerful pin titles and drive clicks
  • Pin design mistakes to avoid
Session 3

Unleashing the Magic of Pinterest SEO

Pinterest is a visual search engine where your pins are the answer to traveler's queries and questions. In this session, I will share my tried and true strategies to improve your Pinterest SEO and get your pins ranking on Pinterest search. 

Module Highlights:

In this module you will learn how to master Pinterest SEO. 

  • How to find high value keywords on Pinterest 
  • How to write pin descriptions that convert
  • Understand the factors impacting pins ranking 
Session 4

Implementing a Successful Pinning Strategy

In this session, we will design a custom pinning strategy that works for your blog, your budget and your schedule.

Module Highlights:

This module is all about getting those pretty pins out there and ranking. Whether you choose to pin manually or with Tailwind, use a VA or work alone, we will create a pinning strategy that works for you. 

  • Tailwind vs Manual Pinning
  • Launching fresh pins the right way
  • Keeping track of your promotion calendar
  • Working efficiently with a VA
Session 5

Understanding Pinterest Analytics & Monetizing Your Traffic

In this session, you will learn how to read analytics data and take action. You will also learn how to create content you can monetize on Pinterest.

Module Highlights:

This module is all about analyzing your performance and letting the numbers guide your strategy going forward. 

  • Understanding Pinterest analytics and Google analytics
  • When to make new fresh pins for articles
  • Monetizing your Pinterest traffic

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions our students asked before signing up for the Pinterest Coaching Program...

When you join the program, you are automatically added to our Insiders Facebook group. I plan monthly Facebook lives into the group to keep all students updated with the latest algorithm changes or updates to best Pinterest practices! I will also pop into the group frequently to answer questions even after our 1 on 1 coaching time is over. 

There is no denying that 2020 has been a hard year, and travel bloggers have lost a lot of traffic in the past few months. This program will provide you with the tools to navigate the current travel landscape and generate some traffic now. But most of all, you will learn how to build a solid foundation so your blog is ready for massive traffic when travel restrictions start to loosen around the world. 

My coaching program is for travel bloggers looking to get serious on Pinterest. Whether you're a complete beginner or have intermediate Pinterest experience, you will learn a lot from this program! This program is better suited for bloggers who are flexible with their blog topics and open to writing blog posts that might not have originally been on their radar. If your blog is very niched down (for instance to a specific city or destination), you can still benefit from the program but may not see the same level of success as a general travel blog. 

Bloggers looking for a quick fix. Pinterest is a marathon and not a sprint. It will take a few months for you to really start seeing the results of your efforts. This program is also not a great fit for bloggers who only write about extremely specific travel topics (think for instance a specific area of Nepal) and are not flexible at all about their content. If you are not sure that your blog is a good fit for the program, send me an email at [email protected] and I will let you know! I've told many people that their sub niche wasn't a good fit for the program so I would never try to sell you anything I don't believe would work for your blog.

Virtually every Pinterest course out there targets bloggers from all niches. I strongly believe that travel bloggers operate in a different landscape than other bloggers when it comes to Pinterest, especially in the COVID era. This program is not only designed for travel bloggers, it is entirely customized to you and your travel blog. 

I've coached dozens of students and I've never seen an unhappy camper! If for some reason you are unhappy with the program, you will only be invoiced for the sessions you have attended up to that point. You will not be charged for the rest of the sessions. We do not offer refunds for sessions already delivered.

Absolutely! We are extremely flexible when it comes to scheduling Zoom sessions. If you want to get started with session 1, then take a few months break to create content and dive back in, we can do that. If you want to group all your sessions within a few weeks as an intensive to hit the ground running, you can do that as well. If you enroll in the program in 2020, your first session needs to be booked and completed by 01/31/2020. All sessions should be booked and completed within 12 months. Finally there is no guaranteed email support included during breaks.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Pinterest Private Coaching Program - $550 Value

  • 8 Pin templates designed by me - $125 Value
  • VIP Facebook Group Access - $100 Value
  • Pinterest Spreadsheets - $50 Value
  • Bonus VA Training - $50

Total Value: $875

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

4 Monthly Payments of




Pay Upfront

One payment of



Enroll in the Coaching Program Today

And get serious about your Pinterest traffic!

Still not sure? 

Send me an email at [email protected] with your questions or concerns and I will get back to you within 24 hours! You can even book a 10 minute chat with me over coffee to see if this program is a good fit for you. 

"Julie has been fantastic with me and her coaching program is very well thought. Not only she is very good at explaining everything but she follows up and makes sure great results are achieved. She really took into consideration my personal wishes and limitations to make sure to come up with a strategy that suited my blog the best. She always answered my questions very thoroughly and has been so helpful on so many levels. The teaching part was always focused on what I could achieve and she would make sure to pick examples that fitted my niche. Finally, she is extremely passionate about what she does and this has always been a great source of motivation on my end as well. Iโ€™m seeing great results since I started the program and canโ€™t recommend her enough."

Beeloved City


50% Complete

Two Step

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